Liberty and Free Association! Wonderful principles that often serve to save us from really bad ideas imposed from above.

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Let us hope we're not the only ones who still hold fast to principles.

Far too many people think it's a "principle" to blindly follow the "authorities" because they "won" a popularity contest or because they belong to their preferred political party, in or out of office currently. It's hard for some people to understand that principles remain the same regardless of what party is in office and that if the Republicans say they're fiscal conservatives and then overspend, they're not principled. And if Democrats say they're for the poor and continue the overspending that is driving inflation, they're not principled either. If we as voters hold principles for fiscal conservativism or helping the poor, then we can't in good conscience vote for either of the two who will be the main feature in November. I hope the voters will finally get over their obsession with the two-party system and send some people to Washington who will actually do something different because their principles are different.

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How could we achieve something like the Israeli Knesset, where there are multiple factions and forming a coalition is necessary to actually get anything done?

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